Tuesday, 7 October 2008

Parliament paves the way to a constitution

Parliament this morning voted overwhelmingly to enable the drawing up of a Fervean constitution.

The Act of Establishment of a Fervean National Constitution provides for the implementation of the constitution, the content of which is due to be worked out over the next month by a series of parliamentary votes, when the next general election is complete and will be formally signed into law by the President at that time after a full national referendum.

The new constitution will potentially include the establishment of proportional representation in Parliament (as opposed to the current first-past-the-post system) and the separation of the posts of head of state and head of government, which are currently concentrated in the Presidency.

The Act has been welcomed by liberal organisations, particularly the Association for a More Liberal Ferveo (AMLF), one of the leading lobbies in Fervean politics. However, it has been rubbished by some members of the Right, including the Fervean Front and Fervean National Party, who claim it hands too much power to "the common man" and endangers the rule of government. The Fervean Communist Party have also refused to back the proposal.

Interestingly, the Conservative Party has whole-heartedly backed the proposal, leading to a backlash from its grassroots supporters. However, the Act will now have the backing of both mainstream parties, along with the Green Party and smaller parties like the Independent Ferveo Party, and a number of independent MPs. 

The proposal has been marked as a realisation of President Saxon's promises of more "power to the people" in the wake of the Exordium Crisis and the July 2 bombings. A spokesperson for the President stated that Ms Saxon "has not forgotten her pledge to hold a general election, and views this Act as the first step towards a fairer society."

"It is President Saxon's hope that the Fervean public will support her in this endeavour."