Tuesday, 7 October 2008

Parliament paves the way to a constitution

Parliament this morning voted overwhelmingly to enable the drawing up of a Fervean constitution.

The Act of Establishment of a Fervean National Constitution provides for the implementation of the constitution, the content of which is due to be worked out over the next month by a series of parliamentary votes, when the next general election is complete and will be formally signed into law by the President at that time after a full national referendum.

The new constitution will potentially include the establishment of proportional representation in Parliament (as opposed to the current first-past-the-post system) and the separation of the posts of head of state and head of government, which are currently concentrated in the Presidency.

The Act has been welcomed by liberal organisations, particularly the Association for a More Liberal Ferveo (AMLF), one of the leading lobbies in Fervean politics. However, it has been rubbished by some members of the Right, including the Fervean Front and Fervean National Party, who claim it hands too much power to "the common man" and endangers the rule of government. The Fervean Communist Party have also refused to back the proposal.

Interestingly, the Conservative Party has whole-heartedly backed the proposal, leading to a backlash from its grassroots supporters. However, the Act will now have the backing of both mainstream parties, along with the Green Party and smaller parties like the Independent Ferveo Party, and a number of independent MPs. 

The proposal has been marked as a realisation of President Saxon's promises of more "power to the people" in the wake of the Exordium Crisis and the July 2 bombings. A spokesperson for the President stated that Ms Saxon "has not forgotten her pledge to hold a general election, and views this Act as the first step towards a fairer society."

"It is President Saxon's hope that the Fervean public will support her in this endeavour."

Monday, 25 August 2008

JAS Jennifer Saxon launches

CEREMONIES were held today in Colisin, Jagera, to commemorate the launching of the Jageran aircraft carrier JAS Jennifer Saxon.

The vessel is the first of its class to be named after a non-Jageran, a gesture of solidarity following Ferveo's alliance with Jagera during the Exordium Crisis. The ship, a Bevakare-class light carrier, was christened by its namesake in accordance with traditional Jageran ceremony.

"Words cannot describe how privileged I feel at being honoured in this manner," Saxon stated, following the christening. "Such a break from Jageran tradition, for a politician from a country as young as Ferveo, on a ship class as symbolic, powerful and downright huge as the Bevakare-class," she said, chuckling gently, "simply defies my belief. All I can say is thank you, one and all, and I am sure that all Fervean people will feel just as honoured by this unprecedented favour as I do."

Bevakare Angela of Jagera also delivered a speech from her eponymous vessel, the JAS Angela, as it received its commission, saying, "It is such a fortuitous circumstance that allows the two ships, Angela and Jennifer Saxon, to sit at anchor side by side in the harbour as resolute as our two allied nations." The Bevakare continued, saying she believed it was a "symbol" of the increasing unity between Ferveo and Jagera.

The FSC Tempest, fresh from its own launch and commission, put in an appearance as well. The vast cruiser fired a seven-gun salute at the end of President Saxon's speech. This was followed by a spectacular overflight by twenty-one f214/c fighters from the Veðrfölnir and Niðhogg.

The Jennifer Saxon will receive its commission in late September, whereupon its first destination will be Ferveo City. Its namesake, however, stayed in Colisin for some time before returning to Ferveo City, with a hungry media in her wake.

Thursday, 21 August 2008

Mass disappearance in Springback Forest

A TOURIST excursion into Springback Forest on Exordium Island has vanished without trace.

The expedition, consisting of seventeen civilians from all over Ferveo and the IDU and their three local guides, were not heard from twenty-four hours after setting foot into the woods on what was intended to be a four-hour hike.

According to a consortium of cellphone companies, the signals of all eighteen cellphones present on the trek disappeared within seconds of each other. The surrounding land seems to provide no explanations, such as tyre tracks or footprints leading away from the forest that have not already been traced and identified.

Several search parties sent out have turned up no bodies or living people. The EIPD has enacted a full-scale investigation into the disappearance of the hikers, involving hundreds of personnel.

Conspiracy theories have already begun to sprout, ranging from alien abduction to foreign interference to even mutated carnivorous plants.

Regional Police Chief Toby Wise called for calm yesterday in a press conference, and reassured the public that the police were doing "everything in [their] power to find these people".

Thursday, 31 July 2008

FSC Tempest launched

THE SECOND in the line of Nimbus-class cruisers was personally launched today by President Saxon.

The line started life as a project conceived by the late Gabriel Seismos and actualised by the Nimbus, the vessel which famously took part in the raid on the FVF fortress in June and carried President Saxon into Ferveo City on June 2.

The FSC Tempest has a force comparable to the strongest battleships in the Fervean Navy and is powered by two nuclear reactors and a surface of photovoltaic cells. Its heavy armament is complemented by thick armour, and an alarmingly high top speed of 487 knots, considering its huge size.

Speaking to the thousands-strong crowd at Foxtrot Airbase on Terminus Island, Ms Saxon said "I hope you will join me in congratulating our aeronautical engineers on this incredible feat of technology."

"I beg you not to worry about our priorities in this time; the Tempest was almost complete at the time of the June 2 bombings, and our efforts remain as ever on the recovery effort, education, welfare and healthcare."

When asked about rumours that the Tempest is carrying experimental technology, Ms Saxon replied, "The contents of the Tempest are, regrettably, confidential in the interest of national security."

"But," she continued with a rare smile, "I can see you don't want to hear me waffle on about statistics and the like." She moved on, formally naming the aircraft. The flight crew gave the crowd a short demonstration of the Tempest's speed and manoeuvrability, before ending the event.

The ceremony was marred, however, by a large demonstration by the Pacifist Organisation of Ferveo. The protestors made no attempt to block the events taking place; rather, they somewhat loudly made their presence and opinions known to onlookers.

Wednesday, 2 July 2008

Death toll of June 2 bombings released

THE GOVERNMENT has released figures for the June 2 atrocities.

According to the figures, a total of 4,573 people were killed as a direct result of the blasts and the buildings brought down by them. A further 312 died as a result of respiratory failure and other complications caused by dust and smoke bringing the death toll to a staggering 4,885.

5,459 people were moderately or severely injured but have since recovered or been pronounced "stable", while 279 are either comatose or still in a critical condition. At least 6,500 people were mildly injured, and 157 people remain unaccounted for.

President Saxon addressed the nation outside her residence in Ferveo City today.

Visibly shaken, the President said, "The sheer scale of this tragedy is horrifying. That any group could murder almost 5,000 people simply beggars belief.

"But these terrorists, the Fervean Values Force, their leaders have been either killed or arrested by the finest soldiers in the region - Fervean, Jageran and Pagemaster. Though the threat is not over, the perpetrators of these monstrous crimes have been or will be brought swiftly and summarily to justice.

"What these people want is instability. In many other nations tragedies of this magnitude have destroyed democracy and brought in fascist régimes. We cannot allow this to happen, not when we have seen first-hand what this ideology can do."

Surveying the crowd, Ms Saxon continued, "I am not going to mince words. These attacks were not only politically motivated, they were also religiously motivated. Specifically, motivated by fundamentalist Christians.

"These people are the remains of a movement which started and ended with the Unseen Master himself. We simply cannot allow them to gain any power, or we risk another Great Holocaust.

"As President it is my duty to keep this nation together at this time. Do not judge me by my age or by my gender; I want the best for this nation, and I will listen - and have listened - to its people. To you.

"We are the future. We must move on from this tragedy and turn our grief into fortitude, a national strength that will not be eroded by clumsy terrorism. We must turn our faces to these monsters and say, 'No! You shall not destroy everything our people fought and died for!

"Peace through politics. Thank you."

Tuesday, 1 July 2008

Windows smash in Terminus Island riddle

HOUSES near the secretive Research Site 19 on Terminus Island had some of their windows smashed simultaneously last night, as eyewitnesses described hearing a  "buzzing" noise.

Residents within an approximately 4-km radius reported seeing some windows, glasses and even old spectacles shatter into "hundreds of tiny pieces". A number of related injuries have been reported at Ayyubids Hospital in Port Collins. The number of incidents increased the closer to the site, but the area is sparsely populated.

No response has yet been made by the government; however, Home Secretary Logan Birch is expected to make an announcement later today.

Tuesday, 24 June 2008

Saxon's shooting shock

THE FERVEAN Observer can today exclusively reveal that President Saxon has been taking marksmanship lessons.

A government insider informed us that Ms Saxon had been taking instruction in the use of handguns and submachine guns from retired military personnel.

The insider stressed that the lessons were paid for out of Ms Saxon's own pocket, and were to supplement her previous position in the FCPD before entering her career in politics.

Speaking outside her residence in northern Ferveo City, a spokesman told the press that, in light of the attacks by the Fervean Values Force on Saxon's predecessors two months ago, personal firearms knowledge could be vital.

"In today's climate of terror and intimidation, it would not do for the leader of a country to have no combat capability," he said. "It would be inappropriate for me to comment further."

Thursday, 12 June 2008

Saxon reopens borders

ACTING-President Saxon today issued her first high directive, reopening Fervean borders.

The order was made to respond to the expulsion of all Pagemaster citizens and the unilateral closing of all borders by former President Gabriel Seismos two weeks ago.

Speaking outside Parliament, Ms Saxon also issued a formal apology to the Commonwealths of Pagemaster and Jagera on behalf of her late predecessor.

"We do not know exactly why Mr Seismos closed the borders, as all his closest advisers were executed by the Fervean Values Force. However, my administration wishes to extend their most heartfelt apologies to the Jageran and Pagemaster governments, due to the disruption of international trade and the loss of thousands of our soldiers."

Addressing international TV cameras directly, Ms Saxon continued, "Hundreds, thousands, of all our soldiers and citizens were killed in the operations, and the bombings. I give my condolences to the families of the deceased; Fervean, Jageran and Pagemaster. I hope that in the future the bond between our nations will strengthen and thrive.

"We must strive to keep the unity of the International Democratic Union stable."

Saturday, 7 June 2008

AREV self-destructs

IT EMERGED yesterday that the Exordium Island Object, while being transported from Research Site 19 to an undisclosed location, self-destructed in the hours prior to the death of Timothy Bishop.
Acting-President Jennifer Saxon, 34, spoke to the press about the mysterious object in the late hours of yesterday's preliminary cleanup operation.
"Our scientists are unsure why the AREV detonated," she announced outside Parliament (undamaged in the explosions on Thursday), "but the ocean around the site is far too deep for us to even attempt to salvage the item."
"The crew of the transport were unhurt. Due to the Official Secrets Act I cannot disclose the names of the crew members, but we never did find out just what was inside the AREV."

Friday, 6 June 2008

Saxon makes grim revelation

AFTER the chaos of the explosions yesterday, former Deputy Foreign Secretary Jennifer Saxon flew into Ferveo City aboard the FSC Nimbus to take command.

Speaking in the smouldering ruins of downtown Ferveo City to a thousand-strong crowd of shaken onlookers, Ms Saxon informed the crowd that everyone above her in the chain of command, including President Seismos, had been murdered in an unprecedented attack by the Fervean Values Force, who had also detonated the bombs in Ferveo City.

She also reassured the public that "there is no further cause for concern. The leaders of the FVF have been either killed or arrested in a joint Fervean-Jageran-Pagemaster assault on a fortified island some distance southwest of Exordium Island.

"While we mourn the deaths of our elected government, we must all play our part in rebuilding our nation, one step at a time. While I hesitate to take on the mantle of Acting-President, I will take the post until our nation recovers from this terrible tragedy.

"We are the future. As Ferveans we cannot allow terrorists to break our spirit. I look forward to building a strong nation, stronger than ever before, with the full support of the Fervean public."

"Let us move forward into a brighter future, starting with the reconstruction of this city. Peace through politics. Thank you." She then stepped from her makeshift platform to enthusiastic applause and took immediate command of the military presence in the city.

Monday, 2 June 2008

Detonations in Ferveo City


A SERIES of deadly explosions minutes ago ripped through downtown Ferveo City, seriously damaging much of the city's infrastructure.
It is apparent that hundreds of people are dead or mortally injured. Emergency services are strained, and fires rage across the industrial district.
Details are sketchy at best at the moment. We will endeavour to keep you up-to-date on the events of this tragedy as they happen.

Saturday, 24 May 2008

Timothy Bishop dies

Fervean Observer
Your news, today.

TIMOTHY Bishop, Fervean Foreign Secretary, has died of a heart attack while on a diplomatic visit to the Commonwealth of Pagemaster.
Portly Bishop, 52, was appointed by President Seismos when he came to power, espoused as an assertive figure who would bolster Ferveo's role in international politics. His deputy, Jennifer Saxon (33) will succeed him as Foreign Secretary.
Mr Bishop's wife refused to comment last night after being told of her husband's passing.

Thursday, 22 May 2008

Seismos expels all Pagemaster diplomats and citizens

Fervean Observer
Your news, today.

IN A SHOCKING turn of events earlier today, President Seismos severed all trade with the Commonwealth of Pagemaster, and declared all Pagemaster diplomats and citizens personas non grata.
With advisers publicly expressing their worry over the President's mental state, Seismos ordered all Pagemaster citizens to leave Ferveo within 48 hours or face forceful deportation.
A spokesman put the President's sudden action down to a "developing situation" with the Commonwealth involving the Exordium Island Object.
He refused to comment further, saying that he "could not anticipate everything the President feels is correct".

Wednesday, 21 May 2008

FF leader vanishes as military alert level increases

Fervean Observer
Your news, today.

HERMAN Ikari, leader of the far-right group Fervean Front, has disappeared from his home on South Capitus.
In a bizarre twist in the FF's already serpentine history, Mr Ikari was reported missing hours after the military announced it had been placed on secondary alert by the President.

No reason has been disclosed for the unprecedented action, but a government spokesperson said that the move was in response to "heightened terrorist threat".
Referencing the infamous Ferveo City bombings last year which killed over 150 people, the spokesman said outside Parliament today that President Seismos had received classified intelligence over the threat posed by a particular terrorist organisation.

The group in question was not specified, but it is widely speculated to be the Fervean Values Force (FVF), the shadowy group of insurgents responsible for the attacks last year. Mr Ikari has been linked to a number of known members of this group over the years, as business confidantes and friends.

The Fervean Front made a statement yesterday asking the public to report any knowledge that they may have of Mr Ikari's disappearance to the police.

Wednesday, 14 May 2008

Foreign Secretary lands in Pagemaster City

Fervean Observer
Your news, today.

FOREIGN Secretary Timothy Bishop has landed in Pagemaster City for negotiations with the Regional Minister-Delegate of the Commonwealth of Jagera concerning the Exordium Island Object.

Pagemaster Secretary of State Jack Carter yesterday invited both parties to send a scientific and diplomatic delegation to the capital for talks concerning the animosity between the two nations, and the continuing controversy over the EIO.

The invitation comes hot on the heels of Pagemaster's other invitation to Fervean scientists to examine the data collected by the Pagemaster NEOTS to determine the circumstances surrounding the EIO's descent.

Research Site 19 is also expected to release details of the contents of the AREV within days. Dr Sylvie Honneur said in a short statement yesterday that she is "satisfied" with the progress of her team.

Tuesday, 13 May 2008

Pagemaster extends invitation to scientific delegation

Fervean Observer
Your news, today.

THE COMMONWEALTH of Pagemaster has extended an invitation to a Fervean delegation to examine the records of their Near-Earth Object Tracking System to ascertain the course of the Exordium Island Object.

A spokesperson for Pagemaster, the IDU's World Assembly Delegate, said that they have "records dating months" and that Ferveo is "welcome to send a delegation" to the NEOTS HQ in the city of New Atlantis, on the Pagemaster mainland.

The spokesperson also said that the government was "willing" to open up data from satellites and observatories to "determine what happened".

Speaking outside Parliament this morning, Deputy Home Secretary Claire Silverman -- who is heading up EIO investigations -- said, "We are tremendously grateful to the government of Pagemaster for this opportunity. Our space tracking facilities are still in their infancies, so this job is impossible for Ferveo on its own to accomplish."

"We will be dispatching a scientific and diplomatic delegation within a few hours, and await their reports with bated breath."

Monday, 12 May 2008

Jageran military placed on high alert, government spokesman calls for calm

Fervean Observer
Your news, today.

THE Jageran military was yesterday placed on high alert after revelations over the Exordium Island Object were released.

In a move which has stunned the highest offices of the Fervean government, Regional Minister Nils Hjalmasson asked the research team at Site 19 to clarify how it could hold the position as a "coincidence".

He also asked whether this was a "precursor" to hostile movement against Ferveo or possibly the IDU itself.

A government spokesman called for calm in a statement this morning. Acknowledging the sheer improbability of the AREV landing anywhere near Ferveo, he said that the government "takes the matter very seriously indeed."

However, he ruled out direct interference on the part of the Unseen Master or his generals, saying that "the corpse of the Unseen Master was found" in the aftermath of Protocol Omega, and the Great Holocaust had annihilated all military installations that had any power over the Unseen Master's space arsenal.

He finished his statement by assuring Jagera that there was "no reason" to assume that  the EIO was anything other than a coincidence, but pledged to release further information as it becomes available.

Research Site 19 also issued a short statement yesterday, confirming that initial attempts to open the AREV had begun.

Dr Honneur, chief researcher, said, "We have commenced opening of the Armed Re-Entry Vehicle."

"News on its contents should be released within days, and it would be inappropriate to comment further at this time."

Saturday, 10 May 2008

Exodium Island Object is Great Holocaust relic

Fervean Observer
Your news, today.

SCIENTISTS at Research Site 19 on Terminus Island in the south announced today that they had concluded primary investigations into the origin and composition of the Exordium Island Object.
Speaking outside the facility this afternoon, Dr Sylvie Honneur -- Chief Researcher at Site 19 -- said, "The Exordium Island Object is an Unseen Masterite Armed Re-Entry Vehicle."

"The AREV was a common sight on battlefields before the Great Holocaust. Launched from a military space station, they carried weapons, medical supplies and ammunition to troops all over the lands of the Unseen Master. Occasionally, they were packed with explosives for fast, lethal strikes."

"An AREV would clear its way with a barrage of missiles and Gatling-gun fire and land gently with rocket thrusters. It would then fire off its sides with compressed air, and thus dispense the equipment."

"This particular specimen seems to have malfunctioned and was severely charred in its descent through the atmosphere. We believe it has orbited for the past fifteen years, escaping destruction, before being knocked out of its orbit by a piece of space junk. It then plummeted to earth landing completely by chance in our waters."

Dr Honneur also said that there was "no cause for alarm" at a relic of the Great Holocaust crashing near Ferveo. However, the facility had been "reluctant" to attempt to open the pod, for fear of "activating some trap or explosive device."

"However," she added, "the lab has been given the go-ahead to attempt to open it with long-range cutting lasers underground, to minimise any possible damage."

"We have also noticed the personal coat of arms of the Unseen Master himself on the pod, something not seen in the other relics around Fervean museums."

Dr Honneur finished her statement with the assurance that the lab is now very interested on what is inside, and that news should come within the next few days.

It remains to be seen how the government of Jagera, which caused unease on Thursday by moving a small but heavily-armed fleet into Fervean waters, will take these developments.

Friday, 9 May 2008

Jageran navy moves ships to Exordium Island

Fervean Observer
Your news, today

IN A WORRYING manoeuvre yesterday, the Jageran Ministry of Defense ordered several warships to the waters of Exordium Island.

Concerned over the secrecy and possible consequences of the Exordium Island Object's splashdown, the Commonwealth of Jagera communicated its solely non-hostile intentions to the government prior to giving the orders.

Although fully informed of Jageran intentions, President Seismos decried the Jageran move as "mindless sabre-rattling" in an impromptu press conference

"In this violent era, this is no time for mindless sabre-rattling on the part of the Jageran government," he said, speaking outside Parliament.  We seek to reassure them that our scientists did not find anything around the crash site that could be dangerous to ships."

"Nonetheless, the FS Chikara will be sent out with a diplomatic crew to liaison with the fleet. We hope we can resolve this dispute soon." 

Wednesday, 7 May 2008

Heckles raised over EIO

Fervean Observer
Your news, today

PROTESTS were in progress last night outside the government buildings in Ferveo City.
Paranoia has gripped the nation following the utter silence from the Fervean government over the Exordium Island Object.
A thousand-strong band of protesters marched through the streets, chanting "End the silence!" and "Secrecy is not the Fervean way!" through megaphones, accompanied by large, blue-and-white banners.
International intrigue has also become aroused. The Commonwealth of Jagera has objected to the secrecy, as the impact site of the Object is close to one of their shipping routes between the mainland and its Protectorate, Jonqueire-Tadoussac. In a statement yesterday, a spokesman for the Jageran government said they were "alarmed at the secrecy" of the EIO.
A spokesman for the government responded to the concerns, and reiterated that the Exordium Island Object could be dangerous to civilians.
"However," he added, "openness has always been our government's first concern. The Fervean public and the rest of the IDU should rest assured that information will soon be released. I can tell you that the Object is undergoing tests at one of our isolated laboratories, and our scientists are nearing a breakthrough."

Thursday, 1 May 2008

Exordium Island Object raised from sea-floor

Fervean Observer
Your news, today

AFTER an astonishingly speedy governmental effort, the Exordium Island Object has been extracted from the sea floor.
Eyewitnesses who has gathered to view the raising of the object said that a massive tarpaulin had been erected between a number of naval vessels to hide the Object.
However, some noticed what appeared to be a sort of "blackened metallic thing" before it disappeared under the tarp.
Many were dismayed by the veil of secrecy surrounding the object, uncharacteristic of a government as open as Ferveo's. Rumours are spreading of intent to create a petition calling for the announcement of the object's nature.
A spokesman for President Seismos assured the public that "the object does not, as far as we know, present any danger."
"Information will be released as soon as possible, but the object is being kept under close guard at a government facility."
"President Seismos does not wish to comment personally on this matter, but reassures the IDU as a whole that the object will not present a barrier to diplomacy and trade."

Wednesday, 30 April 2008

Navy makes shock move; history released

Fervean Observer
Your news, today

THE NAVY has taken over the investigation of the Exordium Island Object.
In a move which has shocked locals, the F.S. Chikara, a Primordium-class battleship, has sent down several submersibles to investigate the event.
The action has prompted speculation that the object may be of military value.
President Seismos made a statement yesterday, talking about his intention to keep any discoveries open and free, unless they "constitute an inherent danger to Ferveans". He did not elaborate on the matter, and refused to answer questions concerning the consensus of the origin of this object.
"Whatever this object is," he said, "it is of sufficient concern to the government that we will be extracting it from the sea floor. Our precise reasons will be kept confidential until such times as they can be released."

The Government has also released a history of the founding of our nation. Its condensed version can be found here.

Monday, 28 April 2008

Impact near Exordium Island

Fervean Observer
Your news, today

AN UNKNOWN object has hit the sea east of Exordium Island.
Eyewitnesses described seeing what looked like a "fireball" hurtling down from the sky and striking the sea, throwing up a large cloud of steam.
The council of Exordium Island has so far been unable to ascertain what the object is, but have pledged to send divers down within the next few days to determine its origin.
Several of the witnesses we spoke to assumed it was a meteorite and one passed it off as "just one of those things".
The object has sparked debate over its derivation, with suggestions ranging from an attack by one of Ferveo's neighbours to an alien spacecraft.
Exordium Island, due east of North Capitus, is well known for its high income rates and yawning rich-poor gap. Southern Exordium has some of the highest house prices in the nation, with some townhouses changing hands for in excess of 14 million Zeals. 

Thursday, 24 April 2008

President Seismos announces first term aims

Fervean Observer
Your news, today

THE NEWLY inaugurated President Seismos has announced his aims for his first term in government.
Speaking outside the first meeting of his Cabinet last night, Mr Seismos said "I believe that we can leave our militaristic past behind us and shift resources from defence to ecology, welfare, health and crucially, education, all of which were in tatters prior to the Great Holocaust."

Mr Seismos, however, also claimed that his government "will not forget the great importance of defence" in the country's politics. As such, he said, military R&D would be receiving considerable funding, particularly in the way of "precision weaponry"; he did not elaborate further in his press conference.

Speaking of the government's controversially secular stance on religion, he said "Ferveo has the almost unique attribute of being an almost totally atheist nation. As such, we will continue with our secular stance into my first term, and beyond." The government's abandonment of conservative values on issues like abortion and homosexuality have faced harsh criticism from pressure groups, in particular the Fervean Front.

When asked about his seemingly odd decision to withhold much of Ferveo's national history from the other members of the IDU, Mr Seismos responded, "Our terrible, brutal past had scarred the bodies and minds of millions of our citizens. Our history must be cherished within our nation, but now is not the right time to release it to all and sundry. We are currently debating upon this issue, and others in Parliament."

The Fervean Observer, along with the other members of Ferveo's Press and media, has decided to respect the President's decision on this particular matter.

However, Mr Seismos also said "it is [his] duty" to "inform" the IDU on this issue, as "it is only a matter of time" before a leak occurs, especially across the Internet.

"I believe that our compatriots in the IDU have the right to the full story, not some skewed, moralistic and opinionated version from an overzealous patriot. I doubt very much that many IDU citizens have not some small idea of the horrors that Ferveo has faced in the past."

"It is vital that we explain this in its full, horrifying terms."

Election results announced

Fervean Observer
Your news, today

GOVERNMENT officials announced the results of our country's first general elections last night, with a landslide victory reported for the Fervean Liberal Party.

Voters turned out in their millions to elect their leader in Ferveo's first elections since declaring independence after the Great Holocaust fifteen years ago. The event had made little impact outside of Ferveo's former "home", due to its extreme remoteness.

The leader of the party, Gabriel Seismos, will be inaugurated as President next week and is expected to appoint Cabinet ministers shortly afterward. This will dissolve the current military state; however, it is likely that many of the higher-ranking officials of the junta will become heads of their respective divisions of the military.

Speaking after the election victory last night, Mr Seismos made a short statement to the Press in which he said his "faith" in the Fervean public had been "fulfilled" in electing the "right party to lead [Ferveo] through the turbulent times facing us today."

Opposition leaders declined to give comment, but Herman Ikari, head of the far-right political pressure group Fervean Front, said, "The results of this election are disgraceful. The Fervean public have chosen a pussyfooted ass for President who will cosy up to the enemies of Ferveo whilst destroying our glorious country from the inside out."

The full results of the election are as follows (courtesy of the Fervean Electoral Commission):
64.9% - Fervean Liberal Party
24.7% - Conservative Party of Ferveo
6.5% - Green Party
2.3% - Fervean National Party
0.9% - Communist Party
0.7% - Other