Thursday, 31 July 2008

FSC Tempest launched

THE SECOND in the line of Nimbus-class cruisers was personally launched today by President Saxon.

The line started life as a project conceived by the late Gabriel Seismos and actualised by the Nimbus, the vessel which famously took part in the raid on the FVF fortress in June and carried President Saxon into Ferveo City on June 2.

The FSC Tempest has a force comparable to the strongest battleships in the Fervean Navy and is powered by two nuclear reactors and a surface of photovoltaic cells. Its heavy armament is complemented by thick armour, and an alarmingly high top speed of 487 knots, considering its huge size.

Speaking to the thousands-strong crowd at Foxtrot Airbase on Terminus Island, Ms Saxon said "I hope you will join me in congratulating our aeronautical engineers on this incredible feat of technology."

"I beg you not to worry about our priorities in this time; the Tempest was almost complete at the time of the June 2 bombings, and our efforts remain as ever on the recovery effort, education, welfare and healthcare."

When asked about rumours that the Tempest is carrying experimental technology, Ms Saxon replied, "The contents of the Tempest are, regrettably, confidential in the interest of national security."

"But," she continued with a rare smile, "I can see you don't want to hear me waffle on about statistics and the like." She moved on, formally naming the aircraft. The flight crew gave the crowd a short demonstration of the Tempest's speed and manoeuvrability, before ending the event.

The ceremony was marred, however, by a large demonstration by the Pacifist Organisation of Ferveo. The protestors made no attempt to block the events taking place; rather, they somewhat loudly made their presence and opinions known to onlookers.

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